Knowledge Based Product Development

By Design Reuse, Innovation, Internet of Things (IoT), Manufacturing, PLM No Comments

Lack of ongoing insight into product operation and the interaction with users is a major contributor to the persistence of a knowledge gap that plagues many product organizations, reduces efficiency and stifles innovation.

What drives this knowledge gap? A number of general trends impact companies in most industry sectors and product types.

  • Technology complexity and, in particular, the increased reliance on complex embedded control software.
  • Elongated and fragmented supply chains that support global operations.
  • Meeting global markets demand results in lower volume of configuration-specific product instances.
  • Accelerated egress of an aging workforce from the workplace.

The impact of the growing knowledge gap is most recognized and frequently discussed in the context of equipment maintenance and repair, which is a knowledge intensive activity. Another area were closing the knowledge gap has significant benefits is engineering change management.

Organizations often speak about the need to collect and formalize “tribal knowledge” to close the gap between the knowledge needed to perform a complex takes or reach a decision, and the knowledge and experience the person performing this task has access to.

In a previous article I discussed the severe myopia that exists in many product companies: most engineering organizations lose sight of their products once they are sold or installed in the field. In some manufacturing companies this happens even earlier, during the transition to manufacturing engineering and before the product enters volume production. Once a product is in use, there is only a trickle of information in the form of service records and warranty claims. But many organizations dismiss critical maintenance and warranty information as merely operational and cost of doing business and aren’t leveraging its full potential.

Knowledge Based Product Development

Product organizations cannot have a true and complete view of a product and how customers are using it unless they can continue to observe it while it is in use. They must monitor and analyze products throughout their lifecycle, gauge their performance, quality and uptime, how users are interacting with the products, and how well they meet market expectations overall.

This rich multidisciplinary insight extends beyond design information. It includes multifaceted data from a variety of sources and disciplines and includes manufacturing, supply chain, filed operations and service and maintenance. The data can be aggregated from multiple sources, including real-time data such as IoT, maintenance record and customer experience.

The aggregation, classification and analysis of this data provides critical insight to embellish and enhance an organizational knowledge library for subsequent iterations of product design, manufacturing process engineering, and service planning.  reinforced by analytics, case-based reasoning (CBR), and similar tools to collect, analyze and vet information.

Product organizations cannot afford operating with blinds that prevent visibility to downstream processes. They should not ignore the value of information collected throughout the product lifecycle. They must establish knowledge processes, governed by PLM software, to maximize the utility and benefit of product lifecycle information.


Elephant Monument for Champs-Élysées (Jean-Jacques Lequeu, 1758)

Design for IoT or Design by IoT?

By Internet of Things (IoT), Manufacturing, PLM No Comments

The Internet, mobile devices and cloud computing are drastically changing manufacturing. Software control systems embedded in smart devices and connected machines form a network of sensors and actuators that exchange information autonomously and can monitored and controlled online.

The potential impact of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 are undisputed. While industry pundits and technology vendors may dispute the exact size and growth rate of the IIoT, there is a general consensus that the space offers significant business value and will be transformative indeed.

Are the smart connected devices—or the “things”—that form the IIoT the same machines and devices we know and understand today, only connected? Or do we need to invent new paradigms to define system functionality and product architecture in order to realize the value of the IoT? Read More

Is Your PLM System Running Out of Steam?

By Internet of Things (IoT), PLM No Comments

The manufacturing world continues to change at an accelerated speed. New complexities driven by embedded software and cyber-physical system interactions introduce new design and testing challenges. Fierce competition and demanding customers force product companies to incorporate new business models and rethink everything, from product architecture to supply chains.

Can your PLM system handle these pressures?

With roots in a CAD-centric world that revolved around bill of materials data management and simple workflow, traditional PLM software tools are already highly taxed.  They support different design disciplines in parallel: mechanical and electrical design, hardware and software, and manage multiple rapidly reiterating development cycles. And top these off, the number of product configurations and variants is exploding.

PLM systems are running out of steam!

Manufacturing organizations are changing their business thinking and design philosophy to harvest the value promised by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, in which software control systems embedded in smart devices and connected machines form a network of sensors and actuators that are continually monitored and controlled online.

The potential impact of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 are undisputed. But are engineering and design tools—PLM software in particular—equipped to handle the complexities of designing IoT-enabled devices?

The simple answer is no.

Not unless product companies take the time and effort to rethink their product lifecycle management strategies. Manufacturers need to reevaluate how ready their product development and methodologies are to tackle the impending hurdles posed by product complexity. They need to determine their organizational maturity to incorporate new business models. And they must develop new approaches to position PLM as the underpinning for restructuring the product organization and harvest the value in the Internet of Things.

If you’d like to hear more, join industry experts in the Product Innovation Conference Boston on November 17th and 18th. I will discuss key product lifecycle IoT design elements:

  • Design for IoT
  • Design for the Business of IoT
  • Design for IoT or Design by IoT?

See you there.

Over the Air Software Updates Improve Customer Experience

By Automotive No Comments

The Thirst for Information

This year, the Millennial Generation will surpass Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living generation.

Millennials are the archetype of the always-connected lifestyle and are a tremendous force in shaping the present and future of the ways we produce and consume information, an impact that is quickly becoming cross-generational. In studies, over 70% of Millennials say they influence and are influenced by their peers. They also believe they have significant influence on consumers in other age groups.

All consumers in today’s always-connected world, and Millennials in particular, expect uninterrupted access to highly personalized digital information and services throughout their waking hours, including while driving or being chauffeured.

While Millennials do not represent an affluent car buying demographic (in, fact, Millennials exhibit relatively low interest in owning or even driving a motor vehicle) they are extremely influential in shaping the future of the always-connected society, but OEMs struggle to understand the connected consumers and find the appropriate response.

Lessons from the Consumer Products Industry

Likening the car of the future to a “mobile phone (or a computer) on wheels” has become quite popular among consumers and non-experts. While this observation is a gross oversimplification of the complex technology, supply chain and manufacturing processes involved in getting a reliable and safe motor vehicle to the market, from a consumer’s point of view, the analogy between the IVI system and consumer products is not entirely without merit. Observing the engagement models employed by consumer product companies, most notably smartphone makers and wireless carriers, can be quite instrumental.

With a few exceptions, consumer electronics manufacturers can no longer make credible claims for superior technology or even quality. Rather, they establish brand differentiation by concentrating on user experience and customer service, and strive to achieve emotional attachments through deep customer intimacy and aligning the brand with consumers’ expectations and aspirations.

Car owners and drivers expect the same top-notch experience from their “mobile phone on wheels.” This analogy, of course, isn’t perfect, but contrasting connected car services delivered by mass market OEMs with consumer electronics vendors is eye opening. As an illustration, let’s take a look at the process of updating navigation maps and points of interest (POI) database:

  • Map and POI updates are available from the OEM periodically, typically only once a year. In contrast, smartphone users can access the most recent information from any number of information providers. Furthermore, POI, road condition and other navigation information are updated in real time from multiple sources, including active social media channels.
  • The consumer must pay for updates provided by the OEM, whereas mobile device information is free or, in the case of handheld navigation devices, it is often bundled with the purchase price.
  • Updating a car navigation system using an SD card or a DVD is a lengthy bewildering process that makes the less technology savvy consumer turn to the local dealership for help (which is not always free.) Even simpler tasks can be daunting: auto dealers know to expect customers lining up out the door when daylight savings time changes and the dashboard clock needs to be adjusted.  Smartphone users, on the other hand, are seldom even aware of software updates installed on their devices.

This outdated VIN-centric business model places the vehicle—not the consumer—at the center of the connected car universe, a model that is incongruent with the desire to have an uninterrupted experience that is independent of the car the consumer happens to be driving.

The Battle for Infotainment Supremacy

In-vehicle infotainment systems are becoming the predominant hub of driver-car interaction, integrating driving management, vehicle management and personal information.  Infotainment head units are the epicenter of rapid innovation in human ergonomics, display technologies and advanced driving features, innovation that comes not only from traditional automotive companies but also from heavyweight outsiders that threaten the status quo, such as Apple’s CarPlay, Google’s Android Auto, and Microsoft’s Windows Embedded Automotive.

Automakers recognize that in-vehicle experience is an integral part of the always-connected lifestyle and  consider car electronics, and in-vehicle infotainment in particular, as key enabler and differentiator in the fight to win the hearts of always-connected information-thirsty consumers—both drivers and passengers. But forward thinking OEMs also realize that they are in fierce competition with a superior user experience offered by consumer electronics manufacturers: better user experience accessing a broad, always-fresh, corpus of content and services.

On the other hand, built-in infotainment system offers a larger screen and more ergonomic user interface, tight integration with vehicle management data, and, most important, technology and user interface to reduce driver distraction.

But the pressure to cram more features and fancy user interfaces into an already busy IVI system isn’t simple. Ford’s bug-ridden Sync IVI created a consumer backlash a scathing Consumer Reports rating. This led Ford to abandon Microsoft and select Blackberry’s QNX as its infotainment platform provider. More recently, a major security vulnerability in Chryslers Uconnect infotainment software led to a recall of nearly 2 million vehicles.

Over the Air Software Updates Improve Customer Experience

The battle between the two screens: the large built-in and the smaller brought-in, isn’t likely to be settled in the near future. Carmakers make a strong case for the ability of built-in IVI to deliver better and safer user experience, integrating infotainment, active safety (ADAS) and vehicle management, but they struggle to deliver consistently reliable and user friendly software. On the other hand, mobile device vendors excel in providing excellent user interaction with always-fresh content, but they lack in vehicle integration and the significant risks in using mobile devices while driving are well documented.

Innovation, evolution of the AUTOSAR standard and GENIVI Alliance, and demand for greater vehicle software functional safety will continue to energize a rapidly changing landscape of not only technology innovators and IVI suppliers, but also of innovative consumer-centric content and services.

To stay relevant and competitive, and take advantage of new innovation, OEMs should adopt an open platform strategy that supports the integration of new technologies and incorporate content and services partners into vehicles in service. They need to be able to provide a continuous stream of software updates not only to keep infotainment content fresh across different and often incompatible infotainment platforms and operating systems, but also release new features and keep active safety features and vehicle management software up to date.

It should be clear by now that cost effective and user friendly vehicle software updates cannot be achieved utilizing the outdated service model that requires a visit to the dealership. Highly publicized accounts of Tesla’s remote software update to increase ground clearance in order to prevent incidents that led to Tesla cars catching fire or adding ADAS feature sans a dealer visit, are setting high consumer expectations for frequent, transparent and hassle-free software updates. In contrast, when Chrysler mailed consumers a software update via the U.S. Postal service, it only added to the damage the brand had already suffered.

OEMs should take advantage of innovation in over the air (OTA) software updates and use it as a convenient and low-cost technology to promote product quality, safety and customer satisfaction.


Section perpendiculaire du moulin des Verdiers (Jean-Jacque Lequeu, 1778)

Industrial IoT and Equipment Service

By Field Service, Internet of Things (IoT) One Comment

Despite criticism of being overly hyped, IoT technology remains top of mind in many organizations and  will continue to dominate conversations and drive new investments, and for many good reasons. There are numerous areas where Industrial IoT (IIoT) offers clear and significant business value potential. One of the better articulated use cases is service lifecycle management (SLM) and, in particular, remote monitoring and diagnostics.

The annals of equipment service reveal that remote diagnostics and telematics in general are anything but a new concept. In the 80s and 90s, IBM, Digital Equipment, Xerox and other product companies build equipment capable of “phoning home” using commercial telephone lines to report a malfunction, and remote access to enable equipment troubleshooting.

Why IoT, Why Now?

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