Tableau No. IV; Lozenge Composition with Red, Gray, Blue, Yellow, and Black (Piet Mondrian, 1924-1925)

Living on the Edge

By Internet of Things (IoT) No Comments

Internet of Things architects love to talk about edge devices. IoT edge devices are the intelligent sensors and data acquisition devices that collect, filter and aggregate data close to industrial processes and production machines. With increased memory space and computing power, edge devices are capable of monitoring equipment, running data analytics, and moving decision-making authority from the traditional monolithic back-office applications along the edges of a distributed network of manufacturing assets and closer to the point of need, thereby improving responsiveness, process quality, and production yields.

However, real-time process control is not the only consideration in architecting an industrial IoT (IIOT) network. The power of the Internet of Things is in its ability to form a flexible decision-making architecture and to move analytics and decision making between edge devices (for example, for real-time control), and centralized cloud applications such as fleet optimization, as needed. Read More

Elevator Out of Service

An Elevator Pitch: IoT Improves Elevator Service

By Internet of Things (IoT), Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) 3 Comments

The Risk of Market Commoditization

For companies that operate in a commodity market, competing on price alone is usually a stressful and futile business strategy. When the only protection a company has against competition is lower price, an aggressive new entrant offering an even lower price for the same product or service can disrupt the business overnight, luring customers away from an established business that had nurtured customer loyalty for decades. Indeed, low-cost products and services often mean subpar quality and poor customer service, and by the time the newly-recruited customer realizes it, the damage has already been done and is difficult to reverse. As the old adage goes, it costs much more to regain a lost customer than to keep an existing one.

McKinley Elevator Corporation is a family-owned business that specializes in elevators, accessibility lifts and car lifts for homes, public facilities, and businesses. Even with reputation for top-notch customer service, the company is constantly at risk of losing market share to lower-cost competitors, and under pressure from elevator manufacturers seeking to drive down cost in a highly commoditized and price-competitive market. Read More

Laughing Fool (Possibly Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen ca. 1500)

Artificial Intelligence or Natural Stupidity?

By Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning No Comments

Some years ago, I was involved in developing artificial intelligence (AI) expert systems. I built expert systems to troubleshoot failures in highly engineered systems such the General Eclectic T700 turboshaft engine, a commercial high-volume photocopier, a blood chemistry analyzer, and similarly complex and difficult to diagnose and repair systems.

Xerox Corp. was looking for an artificial intelligence solution to support field service operations. The finalists were my company and another diagnostic expert system company that used similar AI technology.  Unable to determine which systems offered a better solution, Xerox decided to conduct a rigorous and objective evaluation by holding a double-blind face off between the two expert systems. Read More

Victor Borge

Inflationary Technology Language

By Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT) No Comments

I  returned recently from a series of conference keynotes and lectures across 10 time zones. It is clear that the infatuation technology vendors and the media has with sophisticated-sounding technology terms is as strong as ever.

Fancy technology terms such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning conjure up a spectrum of AI-based movie characters from the inanimate HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey to the seductive feminine humanoids Samantha in Her and Ava in Ex Machina.

Even technology experts and software vendors that should know better, don’t miss any opportunity to add “machine learning algorithms” to their product descriptions whenever they can. Read More

Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht and Digital Transformation

By Business Strategy, Internet of Things (IoT) 2 Comments

What Happens to the Hole When the Cheese is Gone?

In my opening remarks at the Product Innovation Conference in Berlin, I talked about a famous Berliner, Bertolt Brecht. You might wonder what does the influential poet, playwright, and theatre director has to do with engineering, innovation and digital transformation?

One of the characters in Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children ponders a question worthy of an engineering conference: “What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?”

But the motivation to mention Brecht in my opening remarks was another quotation: “Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.” Read More